The EDIFY work plan consists of 7 Work Packages, starting with the Project Management WP1, the four research WPs (WP2–WP5), one WP on Training (WP6), and finally one on Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (WP6).

The EDIFY ESRs in a group photo working in Bright Photonics

WP2 – Damiano Massella
Damiano got his Bachelor and Master degree in Physics at the university of Trento. His previously worked on modelling the behaviour of a novel kind of photonic material on the edge between computational and experimental physics. He is currently working as a PhD student on the developing of compact model for generic photonic integration technology.
He likes proudly owner of a self-build 3D printer and in the free time he is learning to play the saxophone.

WP3 – Andrea Volpini
Andrea received the Master´s Ddegree in Physics from the University of Trento, Italy, in 2019. He is currently working towards the PhD degree in the EDIFY Project at the University of Vigo, Spain.
His current interests include integrated photonics and PIC design.

WP4 – Marcin Zyskowski
Marcin got his Bachelor degree at the Gdansk University of Technology and his Master degree in nanoscale engineering at the INSA Lyon. He previously worked on ways to enhance various spectroscopies using specialised photonic structures. This sparked his general interest in photonics and lasers. He is currently working as a PhD student on the development of AlInGaAs quantum well lasers for the generic photonic platform.
In his free time, Marcin enjoys non-fiction and classical literature, and generally likes cycling, video games and hiking”

WP5 – Peter Eoin Forde
Peter got his BSc in Physics from the National University of Ireland in Galway in 2016 and his MSc degree from the University College Dublin in Space Science and Technology in 2017Sharif University of Technology, during his master’s thesis at the Isfahan University of Technology.
He has demonstrable experience in the Space Sector. Skilled in Optomechanical design, Optical Test Planning and Implementation with strong interest in Space Optics and Remote Sensing Technology