EDIFY will train four ESRs at two world-leading European academic institutions – University of Vigo (Uvigo) and Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Tue)- and four state of the art industrial companies SMART Photonics BV, Bright Photonics, Photon Design and Phoenix BV -covering the value chain, from research and design to manufacturing, thereby forming a strong interdisciplinary network between technical sciences an industry to overcome specific barriers in the integrated photonics sector. The progamme provides a coherent training platform that addresses the outstanding engineering challenges of the new field of Integrated Photonics while nurturing technical, creative and entrepreneurial skills. The expected outcomes are a breakthough improvement in performance, power consumption and predictive methodologies for photonic Integrated Circuits and a cohort of ESRs trained on cutting-edge photonic integration and nanofabrication technology.
The EDIFY project is framed in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, that they seek to guarantee the ideal and dynamic development of the intellectual capital in Europe, in order to generate new capacities and innovation from the investigative talent.
University of Vigo
Humberto Michinel
Full Prof., has more than 25 years of experience in research and development. He has supervised 10 PhD students and 4 postdocs. Currently full professor of optics at the University of Vigo, Spain. He is vice-president of the International Commission for Optics and President-Elect of the European Optical Society, and has more than 100 research articles. He is also CEO and founder of the spin-off ERH-Illumnina, Ltd. in the field of LED technology. The company is co-owned by the University of Vigo.
Francisco Díaz
Is Associated professor at the University of Vigo in photonics and optical communications. He is ViceDirector of the Telecommunication Engineering School, technological advisor for the Regional Government, regional manager of the Euro-pean Satellite Navigation Competition hosted by ESA and member of the Board of Directors of the Official Association of Telecom Engineers. With more than 15 years of experience in private companies like Vodafone and Movistar and trainer/advisor for major companies in photonics, participates in two EU projects in new approaches and innovation actions in training programmes at universities.
Francisco J. Fraile
Full Professor., has more than 25 years of experience in research areas like optoelectronic devices, optical communications, nonlinear optics and quantum optics. He has supervised more than 10 Ph. D. students and 3 postdocs. He is national evaluator from the Spanish Ministry of Education and ANEP auditor. He has more than 50 articles and has written two internationally recognized books on optical communications.
Smart Photonics
Dr.ir. Luc Augustin (CTO)
Received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. After his graduation, he switched to industry, to work at Cedova, Photonics Lab as part of Philips Research, stepped to the Photovoltaics industry and went to Solland Solar, to be involved in the development, pilot production and optimization of the innovative Sunweb solar module technology. Currently he is CTO at SMART Photonics. His expertise is in simulation and design of InP based photonic integrated circuits, fabrication of III-V photonics components and integrated circuits and characteri-sation of semiconductor based photonic components. At SMART Photonics he is responsible for the techno-logical strategy of the company and project management of R&D projects.
Dr.ir. Peter Thijs (Fellow)
Holds a M.Sc-degree in Chemistry from the Technical University of Eindhoven and a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the Technical University of Delft. His expertise lays in epitaxial growth of III-V semiconductors, laser physics and laser characterization. Peter has over 35 years of experience in research and management in III-V active and passive optoelectronics. He pioneered in the MOVPE growth and design of InP-based strained-layer MQW lasers and amplifiers. With SP he is responsible for the epitaxial growth.
Dr. Steven Kleijn (Epitaxy engineer)
Studied Physical Chemistry, receiving his M.Sc. degree and PhD de-grees from Leiden University. He has joined SMART Photonics after graduation and is involved in the development of epitaxial growth.
Steven Grijseels
Research and Development Engineer at Smart Photonics, physical research engineer with a PhD degree in Photonics and Semiconductor Physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven, with a great affinity with optics, photonic semiconductor devices, and metamaterials and with more than 10 years experience in photonics and semiconductors.
Alonso Millan-Mejia
Technical lead Engineer at SMART Photonics, PhD degree in Photonics from the Technical University of Eindhoven, with a solid background in Engineering and applied physics with specialization in the photonics integrated circuits technology and with more than 8 years experience in simulation, fabrication and characterization of optical devices.